Teaching and learning EFL in Second Life: Challlenges for teachers and learners
Teaching second and foreign languages has always been a challenge. The inclusion of technology in language teaching has been a bless for students but another challenge for teachers. In the last 4 years we have been promoting the use of the Web 2.0 as a way to offer our students the opportunity to interact with real audiences and get varied input through the different applications that are available for free on the Web. Now, the emergence of virtual worlds, namely, Second Life, a 3D environment (Web 3.0), has raised the bar for teachers and students. It takes us to a higher level of interaction f2f via avatars. Language classes in Second Life offer an immersive setting without leaving home and promote interaction with native and non-native speakers of the target language in real-life contexts. What does it take to teach and learn a language in Second Life? The presenter will address this issue. Images of actual language classes in Second Life will illustrate the talk.
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