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NOTE: Click on the name of the presenter to view powerpoint presentation.


Barbara Dieu




Meeting the e-challenge


With the advent of ICTs, we are increasingly exposed to information in the target language and start operating in different contexts and situations in our personal and professional life, which are  no longer limited to our geographical location, classes, occasional workshops or professional development programs. We can acquire and learn much of the language online. The use of social media tools and platforms on the open Web can accelerate the learning process by giving us access to information, communities of practice and networks and enabling us to create and participate at our own time, in our own space and with whom we choose to communicate and collaborate.


In this presentation, we will explore the concept of personal learning spaces, the tools we can use to help our learners build them, communities of practice and networks and their role in language learning and practice.  We will discuss how this digital immersion challenges us, EFL teachers, to review, expand and modify our ways of teaching and learning.


Barbara (Bee) Dieu teaches at the Franco-Brazilian secondary school where she has been preparing students for the French Baccalaureate since 1983. She has been in ELT and education since 1974 (in the classroom) and since 1997 increasingly online, networking, keynoting, planning, organizing and facilitating workshops /collaborative projects worldwide and engaged in professional development for teachers. She has published and presented nationally and internationally on social media, digital literacy and openness in education. Bee is an active member of several associations and communities of practice, that includes Webheads in Action,TESOL, Braztesol, Merlot, Hornby Critical Literacy, Práxis, Edublogosfera and T.A.L.O. She is presently Braztesol EduTechSIG Coordinator and has served on the 2009 and 2010 NMC Horizon Project Advisory Board. She blogs at: http://beespace.net. 



Linglan Cao




Despite the amazingly extensive benefit it brought to the human beings, the Internet unfortunately suffers from a major drawback - it made plagiarism almost effortless in all areas of the academic world. Plagiarism is a perennial temptation for students and an eternal challenge for teachers and writers, especially in the digital age.Rising concern over “intellectual property theft” due to cyber-plagiarism, specifically from students, and content writers (bloggers, writers, and other professionals), has attracted a growing interest from educational and professional institutes, the world over, to adopt effective strategies and design innovative techniques to curb this dilemma. The presenter examines the huge challenge plagiarism is posing on EFL/ESL professionals in digital age and suggest effective measures to identify possible plagiarism in student writing and educate your students in how to avoid the unintentional plagiarism.


Linglan Cao received her doctoral degree in international education at Teacher’s College, Columbia University, master degree in English Department of Teacher’s College, Columbia University, and a master degree in English literature from Suzhou University, China. She is currently teaching college writing in York College, City University of New York.  An author and co-author of 6 books and many articles, she has published widely in the fields of EFL testing, EFL curriculum developing, CALL and English literature.



Erik Johnson




The presenter will discuss his experience of using Facebook as a tool to teach second-language writing.  He will explain how he uses Facebook for class projects, for enhancing communication, and for engaging students in a manner that would not be entirely possible in traditional classroom settings. Since he teaches hybrid courses, which meet only twice a week “in class” using Facebook has helped to generate student-generated content and maximize the time his students spend writing. He concludes with a discussion of the opportunities and challenges of using Facebook as a tool to learn writing compared to other course management systems.


Erik Johnson teaches composition for international students at Arizona State University. He has taught English in Asia, Latin America and Europe. His research focuses on second language writing and teaching in multilingual environments. He has an MA in TESOL and is working on a PhD in Rhetoric, Composition, and Linguistics.



Dafne González




Teaching second and foreign languages has always been a challenge. The inclusion of technology in language teaching has been a bless for students but another challenge for teachers.  In the last 4 years we have been promoting the use of the Web 2.0 as a way to offer our students the opportunity to interact with real audiences and get varied input through the different applications that are available for free on the Web. Now, the emergence of virtual worlds, namely, Second Life, a 3D environment (Web 3.0),  has raised the bar for teachers and students. It takes us to a higher level of interaction f2f via avatars. Language classes in Second Life offer an immersive setting without leaving home and promote interaction with native and non-native speakers of the target language in real-life contexts. What does it take to teach and learn a language in Second Life? The presenter will address this issue. Images of actual language classes in Second Life will illustrate the talk.


Dafne González has been an EFL/ESP teacher for more than 30 years. She graduated in Language Teaching, has a Masters degree in Applied Linguistcs, and a Ph.D in Education. She has coordinated the Graduate Studies in Education Programs and she has been the Head of the Specialization in Informatics and Education at Universidad Simón Bolívar, in Caracas, Venezuela. Besides teaching technology-related courses at the graduate level, she has also taught English for Architecture and Urban Planning blended and online courses. A webhead since 2002, she was the lead coordinator of the TESOL Electronic Village Online (EVO) from 2006 until 2009, and co-moderator of the EVO Becoming a Webhead (BaW) online Workshop since 2004. She was a member of the TESOL Technology Advisory Committee, and now is a member of the TESOL CALL-IS Steering Committee. She has also been teaching the course "Teaching Vocabulary and Grammar Online" for the TESOL Principles and Practices of Online Teaching Certificate Program since 2004. Currently, she is the head of the Spanish Program for Languagelife (a project of Languagelab.com) in Second Life.



Carla Arena



New and emergent technologies have been impacting the way EFL educators pursue their professional development. The presenter will share possibilities to face the challenges of language learning professionals through the development of their personal learning networks which are not institutionally-bound. Participants will be able to understand how educators worldwide have been enhancing their professional growth through online connections with other educators via Communities of Practice and social networks. By having a virtual overview of these new digital spheres of learning/sharing/teaching, educators will perceive how their online informal learning can positively impact their language classroom practices. They will also have the chance to take a sneak peak at useful tools to keep them in the loop of the latest educational trends related to their area of interest. This immersion in a networked world of people and knowledge might be the first step for a personal micro-revolution that can transform the way EFL educators teach and learn.


Carla Arena is the Educational Technology Supervisor and teacher trainer at the Binational Center in Brasilia, Brazil. She's also responsible for the EFL e-learning program at her Institution. Carla is an enthusiastic lifelong learner who believes in the transformative power of technology for learning. Her presentations in the field of EFL and technology can be found at http://brazilbridges.pbworks.com



Ke Xu




Video-blogging in EFL/ESL Classroom - Challenges, Options and Opportunities


Among all the challenges EFL/ESL teachers are facing when they enter the Digital Age, the greatest ones are perhaps the much changed “appetite” and “taste” of their students and the unfortunate fact that the initial training they had received in teacher training institutions is far from enough to meet these challenges. Therefore they need to reposition themselves in this ever-changing environment and re-envision what they teach and how they teach. Blogging, especially video blogging is becoming an increasingly popular option EFL/ESL teachers consider in their desperate effort to satisfy their students’ changing needs (shorter attention span, less interest in reading text, especially print-based text) and growing appetite for online information, mostly images, audio and video clips, and their individual taste as to how they prefer to receive these new formats of information. The presenter taps the potential of video blogging that has made itself more widely available and more easily accessible in teaching both language and culture in the field of EFL/ESL, addresses some of the key issues of common interest and practical concerns in student video blogging, and explores the alternatives in the effective use of video blogging in EFL/ESL classrooms assisting ELLs around the world. (10 minutes)


Ke Xu teaches ESL and CALL at BMCC, the City University of New York. With an MA in TESOL from the City University of New York, he has taught both EFL and ESL at school and college levels in both the United States and China for 28 years. As a researcher and textbook writer, he has published widely (author and co-author of 6 books and over 30 articles, editor of 3 book series) in the areas of EFL testing, EFL/ESL methodology, teacher education intercultural communication and CALL. He also worked one year in Melbourne, Australia, as an international teaching fellow and curriculum consultant assisting the Victoria State government develop its Chinese programs. Before he came to the United States, he was a member of Jiangsu Provincial Council of Education and Jiangsu EFL Testing Board, as well as director of School EFL Programs in Jiangsu Province, China. He was one of the 5 members of Jiangsu’s test writing taskforce for 2 years  writing test questions for large-scale EFL tests taken by half a million students each year. He is the first translator of the recently launced four-book series “Integrating EFL Standards into Chinese Classroom Setting” published by TESOL/McGraw-Hill. He is also one of the two experts writing the technology section of China’s EFL Teacher Standards. Since 2006, he has been a columnist, co-editor and Editorial Board member for Essential Teacher. He was Chair of TESOL's EFL-IS 2008-2009 and will serve his second term as EFL-IS Chair in 2010.




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