EFL-IS Intersection Sponsored in Partnership with
NNEST-IS and Second Language Writing IS
March 25, 1:00 - 2: 45 pm Rm 102A,
Boston Convention Center
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Re-envisioning EFL in Digital Age
Challenges, Options and Opportunities
Technology advancement is constantly reshaping EFL teaching environment worldwide and posing tremendous challenges on EFL professionals. How should EFL teachers adapt their curriculum and methodology to meet these challenges? This workshop examines major challenges EFL professionals face in Digital Age, and explores teachers’ options and opportunities to meet these challenges. (50 words)
Interest Sections: English as a Foreign Language, Nonnative English Speaking Teachers, Second Language Writing
Presenters: Ke Xu, Aiden Yeh, Linglan Cao, Erik Johnson, Barbara Dieu, Carla Arena, Dafne González
This session will be webcast. Click here to learn how to participate in the webcast presentation. Or follow the links on the sidebar, Elluminate_Tutorial, Webcast
Comments (3)
szmms said
at 11:40 am on Jun 20, 2011
Kendinizi Evinizde Hissetmeyeceksiniz
szmms said
at 3:59 pm on Jul 10, 2011
Güvenç Sönmez Ocak Seo: http://www.psikopat-hayalet.com/guvenc-sonmez-ocak-seo.html
Güvenç Sönmez Ocak Blog http://guvencsonmezocak.psikopat-hayalet.com/
Ezik Payda: http://www.psikopat-hayalet.com/ezigin-adi-payda.html
szmms said
at 9:18 pm on Jul 12, 2011
Psikopat-Hayalet: http://www.psikopat-hayalet.com
Hiphop: http://www.turkhiphop.net
Güvenç Sönmez Ocak: http://www.psikopat-hayalet.com/guvenc-sonmez-ocak.html
Güvenç Sönmez Ocak Seo: http://www.psikopat-hayalet.com/guvenc-sonmez-ocak-seo.html
Güvenç Sönmez Ocak Blog: http://guvencsonmezocak.psikopat-hayalet.com/
Güvenç Sönmez Ocak TurkHiphop: http://www.turkhiphop.net/guvenc-sonmez-ocak-seo-yarismasi-t-4398.html
Güvenç Sönmez Ocak Mavishim http://www.mavishim.com/guvenc-sonmez-ocak.html
Güvenç Sönmez Ocak Mavishim Blog: http://mavishim.blog.ac/guvenc-sonmez-ocak.html
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